Autism eBook


The Definitive Autism Action Plan by Rima E. Laibow MD addresses the 21st Century Autism Pandemic from the perspective of a physician (practicing drug-free medicine and psychiatry, including child psychiatry, for nearly 50 years) who has treated autistic people with notable success.

Autism is not the “new normal.” It is a serious iatrogenic (doctor-caused) medical condition that can be addressed. There are natural solutions.


The .pdf version of the ebook is available here.

The Definitive Autism Action Plan by Rima E. Laibow MD addresses the 21st Century Autism Pandemic from the perspective of a physician (practicing drug-free medicine and psychiatry, including child psychiatry, for nearly 50 years) who has treated autistic people with notable success.

Autism is not the “new normal.” It is a serious iatrogenic (doctor-caused) medical condition that can be addressed. There are natural solutions.

As Dr. Rima stated in a paper published by the Institute for Health Research:

 “Even if every external cause of autism, including vaccination and toxic chemicals, were to vanish from our world tomorrow, the autistic casualties of their use would not similarly vanish.  We have among us millions and millions of chemically and vaccine damaged individuals, often then further damaged by drugs and more chemicals. And yet, do they not deserve our compassionate care?

Dr. Rima now provides this 110 page Action Plan to help families facing the challenges of Autism.

The Book covers these important steps:

Step 1: Join the Health Freedom eList at
Step 2: Assert Your Rights
Step 3: Protect Your Rights
Step 4: Tell Everyone You Can Reach
Step 5: Get an Accurate Diagnosis with As Much Detail As Possible
Step 6: Start Keeping Notes/Journal
Step 7: Do Not Worry About Whether the Experts Like You
Step 8: Eliminate All Pharmaceuticals As Quickly As Possible
Step 9: Clean Up Your Child’s Diet, And Yours, Too
Step 10: Detoxification Must Take Place
Step 11: Reparative Strategies Go Far Beyond Special Education
Step 12: Emotional and Social Support for You
Step 13: Protect Your Child’s Immune System
Step 14: Control Histamine

The Definitive Autism Action Plan is a book of hope and help, aimed at parents, teachers and others who care about autistic people and want to help them toward normal, productive, unimpaired lives.

Autism is both ‘preventable’ and ‘curable’ although the official dogma is that it is neither.

Renowned psychiatrist and physician Rima E. Laibow, MD, brings her nearly 50 years of hands-on, clinical experience practicing totally non-pharmaceutical medicine to the families and educators of autistic people, guiding them in understanding, selecting and employing drug-free methods to retrieve the autistic people they care about. The Definitive Autism Action Plan is written for families and educators of the rapidly burgeoning [and highly profitable – for the drug makers] autistic community to assist them in reducing the size of that population, one autistic person at a time!

The Definitive Action Plan dives head-on into the contentious and politically incorrect, but scientifically essential, issues of vaccination, nutrition, drugs and environmental toxicity, “neurodiversity” and more.

Written in simple, non-technical terms, the book is amply referenced with powerful science and is intended as a guide book for those willing and ready to take on the difficult, but doable, task of reversing the environmental toxic disorder called “autism.”

The special companion website brings updated information.

Dr. Laibow is the Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation.

This book is also available as either a paperback or ebook on Amazon.


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